Kelly Wilcoxen
HR Specialist
Job Duties: Onboarding and offboarding employees, benefits, payroll, timekeeping, and more
With GoldenWolf Since: February 2017
Homebase: Huntingtown, Md.
What made you choose to work at GoldenWolf?
I had previously worked in HR, so this role was a perfect fit. I was looking for a change, and through the grapevine, I heard about GoldenWolf and the available position. So, I took a chance and the rest is history.
What is your favorite aspect about your job?
Seeing all the different personalities, positions, and opinions of people, along with finding resolution to conflicts.
What is the most challenging part of your job?
Balancing my to-do list and things that come up throughout the day. Like any business, when you have so many things happening at the same time, issues can come up at the spur of the moment, so it’s important to take a deep breath to find my balance.
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone starting in this role for the first time?
Listen to what the employees are asking. Listen to their frustrations and be there for them.
What is the last book you have read?
“The Survivors” by Jane Harper
If you woke up on a Friday to find you had the day off, what would you do?
I’d track down another friend who might also have the day off, meet up with them and grab lunch, and then go down to the beach for the rest of the day.