Manny is a DHA lead who focuses on inventory and assessments at various federal sites.
Manny Garcia
BUILDER Quality Assessor
With GoldenWolf: 2 years
Homebase: West Palm Beach, FL
How did you come to work at GoldenWolf?
I was on a contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), performing quality assurance (QA) work with BUILDER. Through that work, I met [CEO] Ryan [Bredahl]. So when that contract came to an end, I was excited to have an opportunity to join GoldenWolf.
What does the typical workday look like for you?
When I am in the field, it is 10-12 hours of data collection. Otherwise, I am reviewing my data, making sure the team corrects their data for the quality control (QC) program, on the phone with our technicians, and logistics-wise, preparing for our next site visit.
What is your favorite aspect about your job?
Helping younger technicians further their knowledge and provide quality data.
What is the most challenging part of your job?
During COVID-19, we had to deal with lots of sickness so making up that onsite labor was sometimes a challenge.
What is one piece of advice you would give yourself starting in this role for the first time?
To better communicate with others, I prefer phone calls as they have a more personal connection. However, in the world of business today, email is equally important.
Outside of work, what activities or hobbies do you enjoy?
I enjoy bass fishing, and spending time with my wife and son.
If you woke up on a Friday to find you had the day off, how would you spend the day?
It definitely would not be golf! Rather, it would be going bass fishing, and maybe even getting a head start on travel to the Everglades to do it.