Goldenwolf provides BUILDER SMS sustainment services for the entire DHA facility enterprise, which is comprised of 83M SF. Services include ensuring that the BUILDER database is complete and accurate, performing facilty condition assessments using BUILDER Inventory and Assessment standards, provide input, review and preparation of the DHA POM, compile analytics reports and develop interactive dashboards as requested, develop and administer the BUILDER Annual Work Plan, perform work item remediation, track sustainment, restoration and modernization work action progress from inception through completion and update the BUILDER database accordingly, and quality control on all aspects of sustainment activities.
In addition, GoldenWolf was integral in establishing the DHA BUILDER SMS standard through the development of the DHA BUILDER Reference Guide, a comprehensive manual on DHA policie and practices regarding BUILDER use and sustainment. GoldenWolf also operates and manages the DHA BUILDER Support site, which addreses SMS-BUILDER access, training, privledging, and BUILDER functionality issues.